Monday, December 28, 2015

DAY "7"

Here's my picture worth a thousand words of our view from the deck. I snapped this shot early this morning before the rain started up again. Much of the day, we couldn't see more than 10 feet away being inside the clouds. The rain was soft and peaceful, though.

I did a visualization meditation first thing this morning before I got out of bed, which is nice when I can't sleep but still feel too tired to get up. Then I got to spend a couple of hours working on year-end book-keeping, which is NOT EVER fun, but way better to do it in a beautiful place while on vacation than to do it at home in our office. And there's my Gratitude for the day: The miracle of modern tech that allows us to do so many kinds of work effectively from anywhere. I've gotten to travel a lot this year, and being able to keep up with a few of my jobs while on the road has been key.

Letting Go: I booked my reservation to do a tandem hang glide for this Thursday at 11am. As much as I've been wanting this, the second it became real, I got a little nervous. And then I hear from a friend tonight that someone he knew said that hang gliding was scarier than skydiving, having done both. And, with a bit of ill-advised research, I learn that statistically, sky-diving is actually safer than hang gliding. Go figure! But, to me, if I can let go of that fear-mind-chatter, I see more beauty and grace and joy in watching someone hang glide than I do watching a skydive. I saw a huge hawk circling this morning and felt what must have inspired the first hang gliders. The hawk was so beautiful, peaceful and graceful, gliding through the air like an ice skater on the ice. This week, beauty will have to trump logic, adventure will usurp caution and I will soar like a hawk from this mountain top.

Shooting for: In my 40s, I will take a hot air balloon ride. Another beautiful, sky-based activity I've always wanted to do. Surely, at some point in the next 10 years, I can find a way to make that happen. Not sure why these things are coming up for me now, but they all make me smile.

***very much looking forward to my restful night's sleep in this deliciously cozy bed***

goodnight. ~k

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