Monday, December 21, 2015

DAY 14

It turns out that what my little one had on Saturday was a 24-hour stomach bug that went around the daycare classroom, and hit several of the kids over the weekend. And, lucky me, once dear one was feeling better, it hit me last night. I was hesitant to believe that I had gotten a bug, because yesterday, I had eaten a lot of foods that I don't eat anymore, like wheat, dairy and lots of sugar. While my tolerance has improved for gluten and dairy slightly, I certainly know that I can't handle large amounts of the stuff in one day. And I had topped it all with a glass of red wine. So, as I was getting sick in the night, I was kicking myself for eating so much crap. I was happy to be getting it out of my body, in a way.

But usually, when I get something like this, I'm able to bounce back fairly quickly. Not so today. I was unable to keep anything down, including water, for most of the day. I felt so lucky that my husband didn't have to go to work and was able to take care of everything with the kids while I stayed in bed until almost 2. I couldn't believe how wiped out I felt. When I heard about so many kids getting the same thing, I was pretty sure that's what I had also.

I was finally getting back on my feet, able to walk around and tried a few bites of soup and an apple, when my older child started complaining of not feeling well and having no appetite. By 7, I'm getting a replay of what I went through on Saturday with my younger one. And husband started feeling woozy around the same time.

My body still feels weak. I had so many things I had planned to do today that didn't happen.  I cannot imagine how I'll be ready to leave town with the family for a week in just 4 days. But really, I don't even have the energy to worry about any of that. I'm just hoping we can all make it through tonight.

So tonight, because it's all I got, I'll just focus on my Gratitude. I am so incredibly thankful that I was able to really rest today and recover. I grateful that my husband was able to take care of everything else while I did. And I'm grateful that I felt well enough to take care of my older child as soon as that became necessary tonight. I'm grateful that we're not suffering from anything worse in our family right now. Stomach bugs suck, for sure, but I'm so grateful that our family is mostly healthy from day-to-day. I am especially thankful for our bodies' ability to heal themselves so miraculously.

And, I'm out. Goodnight. ~k

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