Monday, December 7, 2015

DAY 28

Today was productive, which always feels good to me at the end of the day. I stayed on track with my eating and feel the light energy that comes from clean, pure food. I drank a ton of water, worked out for 30 minutes, got a lot of office work done and cleaned one room of my house really well. I try to acknowledge when I have a good day like this, so I don't feel so bad on all the days that fall short.

I ran across an interview online during lunch that really spoke to my post yesterday about wanting to change my response to fear. Elizabeth Gilbert was being interviewed by Marie Forleo for her Marie TV series - you can check it out here. I loved the way that Gilbert put the fear versus creativity battle into words. They also discussed a slew of other topics, like perfectionism and rejection, that were helpful to think about in terms of getting my novel out there and sticking with it no matter what.

It's been such a full day, that I'm struggling to come up with my three things, but here goes.

Letting Go: Well, perfectionism, since it came up today, would be an excellent thing for me to let go of. It has plagued me for as long as I can remember, but I also think that it has gotten worse with age. I'm sure it's not entirely surprising considering how this blog comes out, that I have this 'disease' - ha, ha. It was interesting to hear Gilbert say that Perfectionism is a killer of creativity but that it masquerades as a virtue. I totally get that. And with everything I do, whether it's how I mother my children, or how I attempt to keep my home, to how I feel when I'm creating something, perfectionism is something I'm definitely ready to let go of. Doing so will allow me to try more things and especially complete more projects... like my novel! Win-win.

Gratitude: Today, I am grateful for exercise. Beyond just being a way to keep fit and healthy, exercise has given me such an important outlet for stress. So many weird ailments that seemed to come out of nowhere right after my second was born, were due to stress. Having a regular exercise routine for almost 2 years now, where I can always be changing up what I'm doing - from weight lifting to boot camp to yoga or pilates or barre class - has radically improved how I get through my days.

Shooting for: In my 40s, even as I strive for bigger and better goals in life, I want to take everything a little less seriously and allow a more playful attitude into my work. Again, I go back to that interview, where she talked about being a martyr for your work, or being a trickster with your work. The art is in reimagining our accepted, collective reality into something different. To take what I see and flip it upside down. To play. To create something out of thin air and toss it out into the universe to see what happens. I really like that goal - to play more. My kids are still young and help me to remember that somewhat now, but as they age, it will be more important that I am able to remind them from time to time.

With that, I'll say Goodnight.

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