Thursday, December 24, 2015

DAY 11

It's late on Christmas Eve. While I often have things left to get done at the last minute for Christmas, this year the combined efforts of preparing for the big day and getting the family out of town on the same day are a bit overwhelming. I'm trying not to let it overwhelm me, which often just feels more like denial than any kind of self control.

Somedays, like today, it's really hard to stick with my commitment of meditating and writing. I would much rather be in bed right now, resting up for an even bigger day tomorrow, but here I am writing away. As such, this will be a bare bones post.

I donated 6 bags of miscellaneous clothes (my own and the kids) plus some housewares. I filled these bags weeks ago and have had them in my garage and then in my car for the last 2 weeks. Finally, dropped them off and am looking forward to getting back on my decluttering project in January. I got the car washed for the trip, did some last minute shopping, and tons of wrapping. We delivered some gifts to friends and neighbors and then had a special dinner at home, just us and the kids. It was nice. It's been so busy lately, I haven't been cooking as much as I usually do, and I've really been missing homemade food. It was nice to make the time for that tonight. We watched a silly Christmas movie with the kids, talked about Santa, put out the Cookie and Milk (It was decided that Santa only needed one cookie, so that everyone else could have two) and then read Twas the Night Before Christmas to the kids before tucking them in. I've also been trying to pack suitcases amid all this today. I'm already looking forward to the idea of NOT traveling next Christmas!

Gratitude: I have really awesome neighbors. I never really appreciated the neighbor thing before. It's not like anyone picks a house to live in based on the neighbors, so it always just seems to be luck. But how lucky is it that I have awesome neighbors on both sides, and two doors down on both sides. That's four sets of neighbors, who are kind and watch out for my kids, who say hello on the sidewalk and send holiday greetings. They've taken care of our kids when we needed to leave town last minute, shoveled our snow - too many times to count, mowed our lawn - most of the time, let us know when the cat has gotten out, checked in when my husband is out of town, taken care of our cat and/or our fish, helped us fix broken lights or clogged up gutters... I could keep going, but, damn, I just feel so blessed to have these neighbors. If we ever decided to sell our house, I'd put "Great Neighbors" in the description.

That's all I got for tonight. Merry Christmas Eve!
goodnight. ~k

p.s. It's a full moon on Christmas this year. Another rare and special moon event this year, and since I started my gong. i love the moon.

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