Tuesday, December 29, 2015

DAY 6... or so

What a difference a day can make, when the sun shines away the puddles after living in a rain cloud. Had a semi-lazy morning, where work got done at a leisurely pace before heading out to explore a little of Chattanooga's finest... that I know of... so far.

We drove down the mountain looking at blue skies streaked with wispy white. Had a great lunch at Terminal BrewHouse where I discovered "West by God" which is the answer to anytime you've had trouble deciding between ordering the salad or the burger and fries. This puts the burger and fries on top of your salad, skips the bun, which you wanna do anyway, and can only be eaten with knife and fork. The beers were reported to be great, but I did not try one.

We followed that with a stop in The Hot Chocolatier (which should appear on Google Maps before I have to zoom all the way in to the last level. Naughty Google, editing my map finds by who pays most to be seen. I have no real knowledge that this is or isn't happening by the way. Just a thought I had and wondered about.) I treated the kids to a dessert, me to a chai latte, and all of us to various little chocolate treats to take home for later. I loved everything about this not-so-little shop of culinary love. Tremendous variety to be produced by a single location. Artisan quality, Artistry in every detail and just the right touch of Back Kitchen Voyeurism (BKV). I bought 4 truffles.

Tonight we tried the Tom Selleck of course. I have forgotten the full description, but it was chocolate with vanilla and whiskey, in honor of the simultaneous whiskey run that was happening next door. While I don't usually choose milk chocolate, this mostly milk, smooth and creamy truffle delivered expertly mingled accent flavors of whiskey and vanilla... and I think just a hint of leather, all topped with a dark chocolate zigzag interpretation of a mustache and yeah, dead ringer for a "Tom Selleck Kiss." (Hershey's or French, you decide) Can you tell I like this place?

Second thing absolutely worth mentioning, aside from the fact that everything we tried was top notch, is the milk chocolate blueberries. Again, I never pick milk, my older child picked these and I do love blueberry, but these were knock-it-out-of-the-park, never-had-anything-quite-like-it ever chocolate fantasy balls. I won't even attempt to describe them because I need to... well, I think it's possible that when a food is just too intensely pleasurable, it becomes impossible to evaluate anything tangible about the experience because all senses are in hyperdrive, all pleasure centers have been tripped. Milk.Chocolate.Blueberries. If you like blueberries, get them.

I'm spending a lot of time talking about chocolate and lunch outing because the biggest things that happened for me today came in visions during my very powerful meditation tonight. I saw a vision of myself doing a project in the future and it was one of those things that, when it happens, you look at your past, weaving and meandering through your youth, and realize that it all suddenly adds up to something unique that you alone can best create. It was a big vision. And one that needs further gestation before a public announcement would be appropriate.

Tonight I am very inspired to start becoming more focused on giving. Finding new and better and more fun ways to give. And what if the ways in which we give, over a lifetime, are the only real things in life? What if each of us began to see our own life as a gift to the world? Not that we might be worshipped; but so that we can be of service.

goodnight. ~k

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