Sunday, January 3, 2016


I had the crazy idea of following this blog with a new one tracking my first 40 days of my 40s, but as I have a girls weekend coming up with my old roommates from college, I know that most of what I do on those days will not be publishable! Ha, ha. What happens in Colorado STAYS in Colorado - know what I'm sayin'?

Today was a lovely day from a birds eye view. It felt like much of the day my kids were bickering with each other or throwing tantrums of some sort. And the mountain of things I still need to unpack and put away from our trip and the holidays is overwhelming. But, if I step back from those details, I can appreciate getting to go to church with the kids and the fact that all three of us had a great experience being back there today. I can remember the kids giggling while playing in the snow, which we've had so little of this winter.  I can feel good that I worked against that overwhelm and really got a lot done today to get us back into our routine starting tomorrow. And so I can say, that overall, I WON today - because the silver linings are what I'll remember about today.

Always, always, always look for the silver lining. - today's mantra

Tomorrow is my bonus day, but I'm not sure how spectacular it will be. I've just got so much to do before my husband leaves town for work on Tuesday and I leave town on Thursday. Tomorrow, I plan on losing myself in work, but perhaps something unusual and special will come out of that work. It's been known to happen.

Today at church, was the White Stone Service. I had never done this before, but I really love this tradition that many Unity churches follow for the New Year. The link above provides a better explanation than I could. I love the simplicity of it. And I love that it's tangible; that I get to keep a reminder of this year's theme. I received one word loud and clear during the service and then upon further meditation this evening, got another. One for each side. And while the second one feels like unfinished business from 2015, the first one is a brand new frontier for me. I have no idea how this will play out in 2016 but I'm excited to find out along the way.

My 30s are now a dim and dying light hanging on to the last bit of wick in the candle. On Tuesday, I'll light a new candle. My 40s Candle.

Today, I'm grateful for my lovely spiritual community. It was just a few years ago that I put out an intention to find one that suited me, and this one does so quite well.

And now for precious sleep.
goodnight. ~k

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