Monday, January 4, 2016


This is it... the final countdown. Not only is this my 31st day of blogging, but it's also my 99th day of my 100 Day Gong, meditating everyday for a minimum of 20, and write everyday for at least 20 minutes. I haven't missed a day, except for a rainy day on the trail when I didn't write. I also wasn't sure how long I meditated while on the trail because I had no watch and my phone was off the whole time. It felt like a weekend-long meditation, with lots and lots of walking meditation. Walking on broken paths rather than smooth sidewalks requires more attention to avoid slipping, falling or twisting an ankle, as I and my brother did. That attention to steps and the path, sensing our balance from moment to moment and adjusting, learning to use walking sticks the right way, all created anchors to keep me in the present moment, not reliving the past and not worrying about the future. To me, that is the heart of meditation.

During the first 70 days, I was writing in a journal most days and some days I was writing my novel also, other days instead of. Once I started the blog, though, I stopped with the written personal journal and I've been missing it. I've written in it maybe a handful of times in the last 30 days. I'd really like to write in it tonight.

This was a day when I threw myself into my work, just like I was wanting to and it felt really good. My mindset about stuff and clutter has really shifted since reading that book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I feel much less attachment to things and it's much easier for me to make decisions (and feel confident in them) on whether I choose to keep an item or not. It's so freeing. I did some major clearing out of stuff and organizing, took down the Christmas decorations and had the place cleaned from top to bottom. I had expected this to take at least 2 days, but I'm really glad that I jumped in full force and got it all done today. That is THE BEST gift I could have given myself for tomorrow!

I got some great ideas for how I would like to celebrate tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to my day. I also want to write a bit in my Gong journal, just to mark my 100th day.

can't believe this is goodbye. for now.

I've had many ideas for future blogs and I've really enjoyed sharing this journey with a few of you.

All of a sudden, my planned exit seems so unceremonious. But, it's late and I got nothin'.

Except, perhaps, a big reveal. I haven't wanted to use a current picture of myself or anyone in my life that I may mention in passing on my blog. I wanted to keep it somewhat non-specific, for a variety of reasons. But I don't know if I'd actually stay interested in a blog if I couldn't see what the writer looks like. I don't mind not knowing for a little while, but eventually, I gotta know.

My Big Reveal = a picture I snapped today + with my crappy computer cam + wearing #nomakeup + using #nofilter + a bit of product. (No idea why I'm wearing a serial killer face!) No time to retake. I guess I'll flex that bravery muscle and let everyone see my dark side. Just in case you hadn't already.

goodnight. ~k
**now y'all come back for whatever happens next. it'll be fun.

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